Can’t Wait to Run Your First or Next Retreat?
Before I get started – I just want to take minute to say THANK YOU for choosing to stay as part of our Wanderlust community – I appreciate YOU.
That said, imagine for just a minute, where you’d like to go on your retreat – a beautiful location that perfectly aligns with your teachings…
Maybe Bali? Costa Rica? Or perhaps someplace you don’t hear about as often like Chile, Myanmar or Croatia?
Picture yourself helping a group of fabulous clients who are deeply interested in what you have to share and your gifts, transformations are happening every day, and you’re fulfilling your dream of being paid to travel AND make a difference in the world.
Amazing right?
And if you were actually making a great income – wouldn’t that be a dream come true? Truly, there’s nothing like having the confidence to be a retreat leader that feels comfortable running a retreat worldwide or even right in your own country at a price point that reflect your worth!
If you’re thinking of running a retreat but haven’t run one before or if you are in the process of planning one right now, you might be wondering if you’ve remembered all the nitty-gritty details that go into planning a spectacular retreat that not only sells-out but sets you apart from any other retreat leader.
To create a truly successful retreat, you are going to have to have “The 6 Components Necessary to Run a Retreat” all in place – which are:
- Designing Your Retreat
- Promoting Your Retreat
- Pricing Your Retreat
- Running Your Retreat
- Protecting Yourself Legally
- Building A Retreat-Worthy Business
Take a minute to look at the retreat map below for a more detailed visual on creating your retreat…
Now that we’re clear on the basic framework, we’ve created an 8-point Questionnaire to see if you have all your bases covered:
___Have you designed a stellar retreat rather than a ho-hum workshop in a pretty place (like most folks do)?
___Did you figure out what the heck to teach that will solve a practical, pressing problem for your tribe?
___Do you have a stunning retreat webpage positioned to sell?
___How’s your audience? Big enough to fill your retreat (so you don’t have to advertise to strangers)?
___Got a system for pricing in place so you know you’re going to make a profit?
___Are you properly protected with the correct insurance and legal forms?
___Are you all set to monetize your retreat with follow-up programs that help you bring in money all year?
___Have you built a retreat-worthy business that can support selling-out retreats year after year?
If you answered “Hell yes!” to all of these questions, then fantastic! You are well prepared and can pack your bags and go.
If you are thinking “Hmmm… maybe? Not sure…” or “Not yet…” then it’s time to go deeper into your retreat education so you can create a truly transformative, lucrative and sold-out retreat and not be worried about losing a deposit, etc.
In the meantime, make sure you’ve joined our private Facebook Group where we post amazing resources and answer retreat-related questions, not to mention pal around with some of the most amazing Wanderlust Entrepreneurs on the planet!
To your wanderlust life & biz,
Sheri and the whole Wanderlust Entrepreneur team!